The World

This definitely was a tough weekend for us. It was a normal Sunday until about 1pm that afternoon. Hubby was watching his Sunday football and the girls and I were in my bedroom. When Alia decided it would be fun to roll on my bed….and like she usually does ignored my constant scolding of “Stop it you’re gonna get hurt!” Of coure nothing usually happens well at least nothing dramatic, that is until today. (more…)

We may associate slavery as an action that only ocurred in the past of this world. The phenomen has only increased and is rapidly growing. Modern day slavery has become an industry of huge profit for the black market. Human trafficking is a multi-billion dollar industy that we commonly associate only with third world countries. The reality is that it’s occuring in our backyards; on American soil. The United States has become a high importer of sex slaves.

“America’s largest anti-slavery organization, Free the Slaves estimates that at least 10,000 people a year are smuggled or duped into this country by sex traffickers” (

 This is an issue that I have been following for about two years. One of the reasons that it has caught my attention is because  I’m a woman, and a mother. This is happening not only in my country but the world including Latin America where many of these transactions are held. The women and children who are stolen from their families, kidnapped, beaten, raped, drugged, moved around like cargo and shipped as merchandise, auctioned and sold for the purpose of sexual exploitation. When I learned about human trafficking it was an instinctive reaction to take some sort of action to help in stopping it. So when I heard about a petition two years ago I took part in signing it.

The  petition encouraged our government to pass a law prosecuting Americans for sexually soliciting minors overseas. I was one of the thousands who signed it and last year Congress passed the law, and it has been put into practice ever since. So with this introduction, I have tried to find ways to get the word out  on human trafficking and finding more information on it; however, we still have a long road ahead of us in ending sex slavery. It is estimated that 80% of humans trafficked are female and 50% are minors. The State Department has estimated that about 800,000 people are trafficked over international borders yearly, largely for sexual exploitation. It has unfortunately become a pandemic and more awareness and laws need to be made in protecting human rights. I came across a film that was released this passed weekend reflecting on the human trafficking issue.

Actor Kevin Cline, has made a movie titled “Trade”. This film focuses on the human trafficking industry and has captured the attention of many U.N. officials. Although the film isn’t a multi-million dollar film it captures the brutesque reality of sex slavery and the lives it has destroyed in the process. This is a film that shouldn’t go ignored. It’s a movie that affects us on a global scale and shows us the trade of human trafficking. The State Department has estimated that about 800,000 people are trafficked over international borders yearly, largely for sexual exploitation. Please learn more about human trafficking and what you can do to fight this human rights violation.

Human Rights Organizations Involved with Sex Trade:

Watch Full Screen Trailer of “Trade”

 By MARCUS KABEL, Associated Press Writer

Consumers, not just factory workers, may be in danger from fumes from buttery flavoring in microwave popcorn, according to a warning letter to federal regulators from a doctor at a leading lung research hospital. (more…)

The mysterious knight that stole your heart has left you with only his tracks of dust which dissipate quickly once you lose sight of him. It has taken quite sometime to heal from those inner wounds. Your dark and handsome knight discarded you because you suddenly weren’t good enough for him. (more…)

As days pass and years roll it doesn’t cease to suprise me when I tune into the news I hear of another terrorist plot to harm innocent civilians. It doesn’t shock me anymore. I think I’ve become unresponsive when they report the latest occurances in the world. I feel horrible that I have become this way. I know what they will say next in their reporting. “This is an outrage, we must protect our borders, end illegal immigration” and the one I’m already used too “We are on alert color yellow, orange…com’on is there a blue in there by any chance…let’s get real here. You know sometimes I feel we’re lab rats who are in science experiments. We can never completely be off-guard.   (more…)

This Spanish Video is talking about Hispanic Muslims in the United States. I hope that all the Latinos who have a misconception about Islam will have a better understanding of my religion. This excerpt is from Telemundo. Que Disfruten….


This video is in English focusing on Hispanics converting to Islam. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did when I saw it. This post was inspired by Umm Yusuf’s post on Latino Muslims Growing in Number in the USA. Jazak Allah Khairan Sis.


By Leila Aboulela 

 Sunday, July 22, 2007; Page B03

ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates

The West believes that  Islam oppresses women. But as a Muslim, descended from generations of Muslims, I have a different story to tell. It starts like this: You say, “The sea is salty.” I say, “But it is blue and full of fish.” (more…)

As a reminder for all of us, both parents, soon-to-be parents, and the ummah. 😉

Having the most expensive or lavish wedding has become a fiasco lately. Many Muslims have taken this blessed day to be a day to impress people instead of pleasing Allah (swt). What this brother lighheartedly jokes about is the reality for many people in today’s society. I just like the way he said it because its a true fact that many have adopted. It’s become an obsession for many families and pressure for the brothers/sisters who try to meet these demands. 

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