I’m a Dominican Muslim convert that desires to make a difference by means of using writing as a tool to combat injustices around the globe. I aim to write about things that inspire me in my life, environment, current events, and yes those random ramblings of thoughts when I just want to vent.

 I also felt I needed a place to voice my opinions about matters that affect Muslims in the West and around the globe. A sanctuary to voice my concerns and unwind to preserve the sanity I have left LOL… 😉

A space where I can enrich my inner-self that sometimes gets lost with the shuffling of the everyday chaos in life .  

So here I am looking beyond the superficial. Everything has a story, right… something further, waiting to be unfolded and discovered by our perspectives. Things aren’t always what they seem so why not blog about it.

Life is a constant journey of obstacles, triumphs, tolerance, and perseverance. It’s what keeps us constantly improving ourselves. Our goal in life is to be true believers in Islam; however, this is far easier said than done. This is one of the many reasons why I have continued this endeavor of writing. 

7 Responses to “About Me”


    Assalamualaikum dear Sister Sumayah..

    My name is Mohd Idzaney Zakaria…Live in Malaysia…i recently surf the Islamonline.net and found your life towards Islam is interesting.i paste it in my blog opzaney.wordpress.com , hope that who ever read it can understand..

    salam ukhwah…ukhwah fillah

    sorry if my grammar is terrible

  2. particleboy Says:

    Very well written and informative blog. I really enjoyed reading it thank you.

  3. Shahrzad Says:

    I like your blog. You reason very well and you are open mind and free. Keep writing and let us enjoy reading your thoughts..
    I linked you..

  4. confusedaboutlife Says:

    very well written summs up the world for me .

  5. Sahand Says:

    What you are saying is curious for me.
    I was Born Muslim,But now i am trying to clear all bad thing that Muslims (not Islam) have learned me.
    if you want to be a real Muslim, Don’t try to know Islam, but try to know the Yourself.

  6. shameem Says:

    Salaam 2 u sister, I logged on to ur website and discovered that i am going through a very hard time like urself in regards to married life. I am a british born muslim. I am expecting my third child and had been separated due to difficulties in my marriage. The irony is that i share the feeling of whether this child is right for me or not. I have had dreams of miscarriage and find that I am truly being tested by Allah. Please pray 4 me as it is lovely to know that u have had Mohammad(PBUH) in ur dreams. I pray that i too can have something to give me patience at this time.

  7. hasan Says:

    really good…but i am waiting your reply

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